2004 Akins Eagles

Player Stats - Varsity

"I'm more than a number!"

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These statistics are UNOFFICIAL


UPDATED: MAY 2, 2004

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Stat Key

1B single
2B double
3B triple
AB awarded base
AB official at bat
ABP abandoned base path
AP at plate - used to indicate player had a turn at the plate
AS assists a fielder has made
BA batting average: (hits divided by at bats) x 1000
Bat indicates the number of batters the pitcher and catcher have faced
BB base on balls
BK balk
BNT bunt
BP number of balls the pitcher has pitched
CI catcher interference
CO called out
CS caught stealing - as a base note for the runner and as a stat for the catcher
DNT did not tag up
DP double play
DTS dropped third strike
DTS-PB dropped third strike passed ball
DTS-WP dropped third strike wild pitch
E error
E* error already assigned (used when 2 or more runners advance or 2 or more bases are gained because of a single error)
ER earned run
ERA earned run average:  (Number of earned runs given up divided by
           number of innings pitched) x number of innings per game
Error player has made a mistake in fielding, etc.
F% fielding percentage: [(AS+PO) divided by (AS+PO+E)] x 100
FB fly ball
FC fielder's choice (not credited as a hit if the batter gets on base with an FC)
FO force out
H hit
H% hit percentage for the pitcher: H divided by #Bat
HB hit batter - pitcher stat
Hit when batter has advanced to base on a legitimate hit (no errors awarded on any players)
HP hit pitch - batter was hit by a pitch
HR home run
IF interference
IFB infield fly ball
Inn catcher stat designating innings caught
IP innings pitched, each out made counts as 1/3 of an inning
IW intentional walk
K strike out
K% strike out percentage:  (K divided by AP)x 100 for batter and K divided by #Bat for pitcher
KP number of strikes pitched
KP% strike pitch percentage: (KP divided by TP)x 100
LBE left base early
LC lineup change
LD line drive
LOB runners left on base
Loss number of games a pitcher has lost
MB missed base
OB on base - number of times player made it on base
OB% on base percentage: [OB divided by (AP-SAC)]x 100
P total number of pitches the pitcher threw or the catcher caught
PB passed ball
PO picked off - this would show up as a base note.
PO put outs
POS position
PU pop up
R runs allowed by the pitcher
RBI runs batted in ... the scorer usually determines if an RBI is awarded by how the ball was hit and fielded
SA slugging average or % [H+2B+2(3B)+3(HR) divided by AB] x 1000
SAC sacrifice
Save number of games a pitcher has saved
SB When shown in the top of the batter box, this denotes a Sacrifice Bunt
SB stolen base if on a base note or a catcher stat
SB% stolen base percentage: [SB divided by (SB+CS)]x 100
SF sacrifice fly
SFC sacrifice fielder's choice
T advance on throw
TO tagged out
W walks
W% walk percentage: (W divided by AP)x 100 for batter and (BB+HP) divided by #Bat for pitcher
Wins number of games a pitcher has won
WP wild pitch
WP* wild pitch already assigned (used when the same Wild Pitch results in multiple bases being advanced)

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